Big Benefits, Big Results
It makes sense that a newsletter will help you keep in-touch with your clientele. Email marketing has helped promote company/customer contact since its inception, building awareness of new products and services and solidifying allegiance and trust through familiarity.
Nowadays, newsletters are more powerful than ever before. Below are just a few of these newsletter benefits:
Customer Connection – Your email flowing into their inbox reminds them of your company in a personal way. They aren’t searching you on social media or advertising but you are reaching out to them; like a friendly handshake.
Grow Your Bottom Line – Customers can be encouraged to purchase through newsletters that have engaging content, images and video. Plus, you can promote new products, services, and special discounts which is an easy way to drive sales.
Increase Web Traffic – It is important to use newsletters to drive web traffic by linking content or making purchases through your website. This stimulation helps to increase your online business ranking.
Boost Your Social Media Channels – By using social sharing buttons on your newsletter, you can increase your click through rate on your social media platforms which is also used in determining your online business ranking.
Online Reputation – Newsletters are a great place to rally your target audience that already are vested in your brand to increase your positive online reviews.
Old School Customers – Don’t forget, there are people, both the 55 and better community and the anti-social media consumers, that do not go on social media and connect better through an email blast/newsletter. It’s important to remember to always use more than one avenue to reach out to your target audience.
Solidify a Lead – Busy people may easily forget you in their day-to-day lives. A newsletter is another connection and reminder to cultivate a relationship.
If you are interested in using newsletters to connect to your customers but need help, give OMA Comp a call.