In a mobile-driven era, a responsive website is non-negotiable. Elevate user experience, improve SEO, and broaden your audience reach. Quick load times and intuitive navigation ensure seamless engagement, driving conversions and customer satisfaction. Don’t miss out—optimize your site for mobile and unleash its full potential.
Managing Your Digital Footprint
Your company puts time, money and effort to establish your presence on the Internet. You share information to increase your digital footprint through many online sources including your website(s), blog, social media, images, content, and video to increase your online presence. You are getting noticed. Now you have learned that there is negative feedback about your business through online reviews or comments reflecting negatively on your image.
It is not only your own actions that create your digital footprint but it is what others say and post about your business that makes up your reputation. Online reputation is a complicated business and the methods to manage are continually changing with the rapid advancement and changes in technology. OMA Comp understands and can help manage your digital footprint (online reputation). Contact us to learn more.
Why Do I Need Google+?
Google+ is not a conventional social network. Google+ is a social network created by the leading search engine in the world.
Many businesses ignore Google+ and opt on using other social networks to build and retain their customer base. Do not make this mistake. Google+ has a huge impact on Google search results. As your business receives endorsements, Google awards you greater value which leads to a better ranking, improving your websites social and search relevancy.
You can get started by claiming your company name, establishing a Google+ account, creating your profile, and linking to your website, blog and other social media accounts to make certain you receive the highest value in your organic optimization efforts. Once you have your Google+ account established, encourage your target audience to endorse your content and leave a testimonial. If you need assistance, contact one of OMA Comp’s social media specialists.
Social Media and how it’s changing the way we communicate
Over the course of the past decade or so, social media has begun to play a bigger and bigger role in our everyday lives. As a society, we’ve realized just how connected we have become through working together via Twitter, Blogging and your local Wi-Fi enabled Starbucks. Here are some interesting stories just over the past week or so showing you how critical and significant sharing that post or photo you took can be.
New York Yankee Alex Rodriquez or “A-Rod” as he’s known to his fan-base, recently came under fire by team manager Brian Cashman for tweeting something a little prematurely. Rodriguez, who is currently rehabbing after hip surgery, recently tweeted that the doctors told him he can play baseball again soon. After having read this, Cashman personally called Alex telling him to watch what he says. A-Rod’s excitement is understandable to a certain degree, but you still have to be careful with what you say on social outlets, especially Twitter. People can take your tweeted words and before you know it, you have an overnight phenomenon on your hands that you did not intend to have. Here’s hoping A-rod keeps his Instagram videos in the dugout to a minimum this season.
Another recent story is that of Rusty the bear’s great escape. The red panda escaped from the National Zoo in Washington D.C. sometime between Monday night and Sunday morning. The kicker is that the zoo released the information on the social staple Twitter, and within a few hours there had been tens of thousands of retweets asking for the rescue of this little guy. Pictures and sightings were also being shred. Rusty was eventually caught a little bit after 2 o’clock p.m. the same day over half a mile away from the Zoo, and it was all thanks to the locals of the capital working together through a website.
Whether it’s posting a bland status update, tracking and finding bad people, or just retweeting a celebrity, Social Media has changed the way we communicate as a whole. Understanding when and when to not post is key in many cases. It might be too early to tell whether or not it’s the right way to do things, but for the time being, social media is king. Who knows what going to be next.
Benefits for Businesses of Social Media
Establish a Brand and Raise Awareness:
In this period of time, majority of the people use social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The best way to let people know about your brand is to post advertisement to these websites. The impression can be made and a large number of people can get attracted to the brand online. All this can be done by getting the name of your brand to the social media websites.
While posting an advertisement on YouTube, make an entertaining presentation or a funny way to present and inform people about the brand. This helps in engaging the people and will help to make its way easily across the internet. The video should be able to engage the audience and hence will have more people view it.
While posting an advertisement on social media like Facebook and Twitter, you should make a community, with interesting information and discussions. More people will visit the page which will result in the increasing popularity of the brand. Ultimately, the more people visit the website, the more chance you get to sell your brand items online.
Keep an Eye on the Competition:
Social Media can be of great help when you are in the competition. It allows you to keep an eye of your competitor’s latest products and their ideas. You can get to know their latest promotion and what they have up their sleeve. Using the marketing strategy, you can provide better deals than the competitors. In this way, you’ll be able to attract more people towards the brand, make more online sales and get on the road with the leading brands or most suitably, your competitors.
Pitch Products In a More Interactive Way:
Getting a feedback from the customers or people gives you the ability to get informed about what people think about your brand. All the people using the social media websites prefer to spend some personal time and will never appreciate if they get to see a lot of ads all the time. Try to discuss your business in an engaging way, like asking people’s opinion about the brand. This helps in making a good repute of your brand in front of people. This is a valuable connection that increases the number of customers.
Bring Attention to Your Products:
The use of social media for the advertisement of the products is the fastest way to get more people’s attention towards it. The best way is to give a promotion with the products, for the online buyers. This will help to increase your online sales rapidly.
Increasing Customer Loyalty and Trust:
The art of communication can make a great impression on the people. Friendly conversation with the people will let them communicate with ease and express their opinions. This makes people give you better opinions and they start developing trust for the website. In this way, people will refer others to view your products.
Listening To the Customer’s Opinion:
Apart from every opinion you get about the product, the customers’ opinions should be of the highest priority. You can see their thoughts about the products on the social media websites. You should take the criticism by the people in a positive manner and rectify the customers’ complaints. This will make you concentrate on making the products better to meet the needs of the people.
Conduct Market Research:
The use of social media websites allows us to view the true opinion of the people about the products. People feel free expressing their views on such websites. This makes you concerned about what people like and what people dislike. With all this information, you come up with new ideas, improvising the ideas with what people like. Improve the service or the product according to people’s requirements. This will result in a better competition to the other brands, as more people will be attracted to the new and improved brand products and services. In the meantime, use your community and post interesting information about the upcoming products, post links, getting people engaged is the best way to get their total attention.
Strengthen Customer Service:
Social media websites have made a remarkable difference in providing a better customer service. It makes us free from the problem of making long distance phone calls to the customers. This saves money and prior to that, you get to deal your customer timely using social media websites. Customers can ask their questions and get the answers promptly, which improves their satisfaction.
5 Benefits of Social Media
Most of the people are concerned about “How the social media helping us? What is the main functionality?” This is a question many of the social media handlers are unable to answer properly, because they always keep on justifying the contribution of social media. Effectiveness of social media is not limited to only sales-like numbers. Other than sales, social media contributes in many other ways. Businesses in modern days are inclined to these websites, as these are the best way to help them establish and grow.
Following are some of the advantages of social media other than sales.
– Creating Connections:
The use of social media websites in business is not only limited to the increasing sales, but the more important thing is making individual’s connections with the people, brands and organizations around the world. People who failed to understand how important it is, struggled through their initial and the most important part in the development of their organization. The more connections you make, the more you build your repute in the community of people. With this, social media enables you to enhance your relations with people. This guarantees your long-term value in the customers and reputation that sales cannot.
– Increasing Exposure:
By putting your name out in front using the social media websites, you are actually exposing your company in front of the people. This gives you a chance to actually exhibit your brand to the people and customers. This is considered to be a positive effort while enhancing the business. Sales, here as well, can’t guarantee you the publicity of the brand to new people or individuals, which social media websites definitely do.
– Developing Partnerships:
In the competition, everyone tries to get more sales so that they can be on the top. They neglect the fact that they need to expand their business. Doing partnerships with other brands and organization helps you to expand your business. In this way, you can increase your worth and popularity while selling your products. This can be only done with the social media websites.
– Enhancing SEO:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays an important role in publishing your organization. Working as an individual makes you get searched by your web page only. On contrary to that, if you have your links and publishing on the social media website, you will get searched by those websites as well. The more you get searched, the more you drive traffic to your website and hence you get more views and more customers likewise.
– Fostering Leads:
When you develop an organization, you have to enhance and furnish it with new ideas and upcoming thoughts. The benefits stated above gives you a broader view about making your organization’s value and reputation in the community of the people. New ideas should be worked on and people and most importantly, customers’ opinions should be kept in mind. This helps to make you popular and earn a well-respected value in the community of people.
Bottom Line:
The main purpose of discussing the benefits mentioned above is to give you a clear view of the running market and give you an idea of new inventions. You should never be discouraged if you don’t able to make a lot of sales in the beginning, after sometime, it will gradually increase. Try to focus on the above mentioned facts so that you might increase your business in an efficient way.