The old backup scheme is not adequate and is no longer the gold standard for businesses. This backup system was based on old fears of fire and theft but this is no longer enough. Now the most common and real risk of data loss is due to ransomware, a very debilitating cyberthreat. Ransomware is malicious software that infects your computer. Your data will be blocked and often your backup destroyed until a hefty payment is received by cybercriminals who usually require compensation in bitcoin to avoid being apprehended. Ransomware can destroy business operations for weeks on end and can take small businesses down altogether. When data is recovered, there is an additional cost and time involved to get everything up and running. If your backup location is stored in the cloud, every time it is restored, the ransomware code can initiate to re-infect your systems. Cloud backups and data recovery plans have to be rethought and managed. Contact OMA Comp to learn about best practices for your business.