Many new clients come to us in a need of a website, but are unfamiliar with what it takes to create a site that satisfies both user and owner. Here is a handy guide of common questions a prospective client can use to help inform the design firm of their goals and expectations.
Purpose of website:
* Promote your Ideas, Hobbies, or Beliefs
* Advertise your company and or products and Services
* Provide Customer Services and Support
* Inform your Audience
* Give, Buy or Sell Information
* Create an ‘Extended Business Card’ for your company
* Provide internal information and services for your company
Research: Look at what your competitors’ are doing and fine ways to improve on that. Know your audience and target your site toward them, while keeping the door open for new demographics and potential clients. What are your goals and expectations of the web site?
Quality Content: Give them a reason to come and a reason to return to your site.
Content is king and if your users know your content, then why should they return. It is good for you to keep content fresh and up to date. Inform your audience with the latest news and events related to your site or business.
* Keep content updated and relevant
* Product and company information
* Questions and answers
* Testimonials
* Purchase products or services over the web
* Guest book for users to sign and leave comments
* Forums, chats and blogs to build relations with your customers
* The ability to search your site for specific content
* Polls on related topics
* Quizzes, contest and games to generate interest
* Free offers and coupons
* Related news, events and articles
* Maps (to location or your service area)
* Contact information (address, phone, fax, email, chat)
* Art galleries, photo albums or other relative graphics
* Disclaimers and legal jargon
Site layout and planning: You want to create a pleasant user friendly site help the user navigate to where they want to be. Group information together and come up with a logical and simple naming convention in your main heading and subheading links to avoid confusing the user. A great web designer can help you navigate the sometimes overwhelming world of the web and help guide users to you and vice versa.